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Scribal Prophet L.A. was trained for ministry at a young age. Marked for greatness, L.A. utilized her creative gifts as far back as she could remember. From Easter Sunday speeches, to playing the piano on Sunday mornings at the young age of 13, to singing solos at convocation in front of thousands to writing plays for the Christmas programs, to prophesying to the body of Christ through poetry to preaching on Sunday morning and being used by God to win the youth & adults to Christ. God's hand has been on her. As L.A. grew older, she began to understand the great price to pay for being a carrier of Gods' Glory. Like so many anointed vessels, she ran from her calling and in a rebellious state, ultimately tried to run from God. After years of living an alternative lifestyle, she realized that wasn't the will of God for her life, and eventually found out that her life was not her own. Growing tired of people, saved and unsaved, reminding her of the anointing that was so evident on her life, L.A. repented of her sins and not only rededicated her life back to God, but answered the call of God on her life to preach the Kingdom of God to the world through her scribal anointing in the creative arts.
L.A. was ordained in 2015 as a Pastor through the Christian National Church, in which she is in good standing and licensed to marry, bury, baptize, christen and start a church in all 50 states as God leads. Scribal Prophet L.A. received her diploma in the Prophetic from the Gospel Truth Prophetic Institute. We at Kingdom Citizens Ministries believe in salvation through receiving Our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus and Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues, deliverance ministry with casting out demons, and equipping the body of Christ with kingdom keys by preaching and teaching the Kingdom of God as mandated by Jesus Christ, as stated in Matthew 24:14. Prophet L.A. identifies herself as a Kingdom Citizen, Son of God or Believer and doesn't affiliate with a denomination or religion. Scribal Prophet L.A. is submitted and accountable to Master Scribe, Apostle Theresa Harvard Johnson of Atlanta Ga. and her profound revelation of the Scribal Anointing and teaching, (www.schoolofthescribe.com) and ministers through her productions with Apostle Bill McNeely, her business partner (www.flashmediagroups.com).