Cast the Net
Funny thing happened today at the mall. I met this African American woman who had her products at her own Kiosk. So I talk a moment with...
The House That God Built
The House that God Built 7-28-19 Today we will be talking...
Created for Purpose
Created for Purpose part 1 How often do Believers get lost in the newness of their salvation? It’s almost like, I’m a Believer, now what?...
The Compassion of Christ pt.1
Building on the Ashes
Building on The Ashes If you know anything about building, building starts with a plan. It starts with an idea of what the outcome or...
The Power of Forgiveness pt2
Last week we talked about the power of forgiveness in relation to living in a place of complete freedom in Christ by forgiving those whom...
The Power of Forgiveness
Oftentimes when we are going on about our lives, trauma, betrayals, misunderstandings and mistreatment from those who have claimed to...