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Time 7-12-19

There is and has always been a place for you.

A path that we all must walk, in order to get through.

The same decision that we all must eventually decide for God’s plan to ensue.

Come upon.

As long as our feet continue to run

towards it.

But the same 24 hours in a day will either cause it, or pause it

So, we must be sensitive to His timing.

The hard times won’t matter as much

when the reward manifest

and we go from crying to striving

just remember it’s all in His timing

and we must yield to it.

So many women have sat on the side lines

waiting for God to move when He already has,

He’s really waiting on you, but you’ve missed it.

Thank God for His grace and being a wheel in a wheel

when it comes back around

make sure you take hold of it.

Cause when He moves this time,

they’ll be no more time, for your excuses.

Can you hear the dial on the clock movin’?

Tick tock, tick tock, what have you done with the time

He has given you, have you used it?

Cashed it in and redeemed it?

Made sure your life has been lived for Him, taking His precious time,

and not abused it?

So many of us at one time or another

have taking His time for granted

and confused it.

Confused it with, thinking that each day belongs to us.

Or the months in the years towards Him, don’t need to be rushed.

Or the minutes we spend doing everything for self,

Or the seconds we have left, before He moves on to someone else.

Like the time we refused to redeem cause we’re watching everybody else’s wealth.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

When was the last time you’ve checked your time clock?

When you stand before Him, what will He say?

What did you do with the time I gave you each day?

Did you answer the call that I’ve place in you before the foundations of this world?

Have you reached those I’ve sent to you from the time you were a little girl?

Have you stepped out on faith even when it was unpopular?

Have you walked in your purpose when everyone around you, tried to stop ya?

Have you preached my word and lived as an example?

There is more of me

inside of you

when you make time for me

I’ll give you greater mantles.

Stop waiting, time is of the essence, now is the acceptable time.

When you’re weak, come to me, this burden isn’t your, its mine.

I’m not looking for perfection, but a made-up mind and your yes

No more thinking it’s about you, be obedient and I’ll do the rest.

No more religion it time for a relationship.

No more wasting time looking for the get rich quick

No more allowing people without revelation to talk you out of it

Yes, you’re a woman, and yes you’re anointed,

and you preaching, God has no problem with it.

And if God be for us then who can be against us

It’s time to release fear of man, in God we trust

No more wasting precious time,

Trying to do it on our own,

No more time to be timid

Jesus Christ, is calling us to be bold

It’s your time, so redeem it

In your heart, you gotta mean it

If you preach, then cry loud

If you’re Apostolic, build a foundation of the Kingdom, don’t perform for the crowd.

If you teach, precept upon precept, break it down.

If you prophesy, say what Holy Spirit tells you to say,

If you evangelize, share God’s word night and day.

If you are called to helps, know that you are ministering just the same

And if you are a child, get to know Him now in the days of your youth

If you’re called to the market place, Jesus has time for you too

Time is running out.

God wants to make your days run smooth.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock,

there’s no more time to be wasted,

Redeem the time now,

That situation was only a test and you’ve aced it.

The truth shall make you free,

and this time you’ve faced it.

From our sin, we have all been forgiven.

Cause we realized we need Him, so we repented.

It’s time for us to share His love to a dying world

Run after Him, be relentless

Treasure the time you have in His presence,

Stay there until all of you is consumed and your thoughts get so lost in Him

You become senseless

Tick Tock, Tick Tock,

His hand on your life is sublime

Walk the path He’s set for you,

there’s nothing greater you will ever do,

other than redeeming the time He has set for you

Tick Tock, Tick Tock.

Redeem God's Time!

L.A. Holts

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