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Cast the Net

Funny thing happened today at the mall. I met this African American woman who had her products at her own Kiosk. So I talk a moment with her but I didn't buy anything right away because just the day before I had purchased some shea butter from another guy. But I was so happy to see this lady with her hand made products. As I was about to walk away from her kiosk, I extended my hand and prayed, "I bless your business in Jesus name," and when I tell you I felt the presence of God in every word... well as I was extending my hand, releasing the anointing of God, the woman said, "you can bless my business by buying something."

On the surface, that sounded right, but then I thought about it. How many times have we missed our visitation because we have been so focused on money? See, the blessing was in the prayer, not me buying 2 bars of soap. I thought about when Jesus threw out the net and the fish filled it, by Him casting the net, there were so many fish that the net couldn't even hold them. What if Jesus just came along and purchased the fish instead of casting the net?

Then I thought about when the lame man was begging and then Peter said, "silver and gold I have none..."

(Acts 3:5-7…5So the man gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. 6But Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!” 7Taking him by the right hand, Peter helped him up, and at once the man’s feet and ankles were strengthened.…)

It's so easy to forget what we are here for. The lame man had been begging for money for so long, he forgot he needed healing, not money. 💰 💵 💷 💸

On the way out of the mall, I purchased 2 items from the lady. But that wasn't my purpose. My purpose was to cast the net. My purpose was to strengthen something greater by praying a blessing over her business.

This is a friendly reminder, everyone may not be assigned to purchase what you are selling. Some have a greater purpose in your life. Don't miss it because you're focused on money.


Scribal Prophet L.A.

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