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Acquainted with Gods' Favor

God told me to tell the children of God that He is about to acquaint you with favor. The reason sometimes you get weary in well doing is because you have seen the favor of God, but He is now about to make sure you KNOW the favor of God. Look at the word K-NOW. He says now. It’s sometimes hard to not get weary when doing all you k-Now to do. David said his foot almost slipped when he looked at the prosperity of the wicked. The wealth they have is just temporary. They carry wealth in bags with holes. Hold on. For the children of God, those who have turned away from sin and are living Holy according to the word of God, He told me to encourage you. Your tears of frustration and disappointment are talking. They have reached the heart of God. He said He is going to acquaint you with favor. The thing about God is everything that comes from Him is alive, stop looking at favor as some far off act that happens only in emergency situations. Favor is the portion and birthright of all Kingdom Citizens. And the enemy has tried to blur the perception of the saints of God concerning favor. To every believer... it is your time to be acquainted with favor. Favor is a living attribute from the throne room of God. It is used as a tool to display Gods' love for His children, but disappointment and lack of faith snuffs it out, so the enemy tries to hit hard so we as believers don't walk in faith. I decree and declare over your life that you become familiar & acquainted with favor. That you have a k-NOWing that when you wake up, it’s there, when you go about your day, it is walking with you, when you sleep at night, it's planning and plotting out your blessings for the next day!! Get ready!!! This is the heart of God. The witness that we are about to manifest will leave no doubt who belongs to Him!!!! Hold on. There is a wealth transfer happening, and favor is carrying it your way! If you want God to acquaint you with favor, raise your hands and say I receive it in Jesus name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Psalm 5:12 For thou will bless the righteous; O Jehovah, thou wilt compass him with favor as with a shield.

The Kingdom key to unlock favor is righteous living. You have a right to go boldly before the throne of grace and obtain favor when you have met the requirements of having favor.

Propetess L.A.

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