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Praying Your Characters' Mantle on & off for Saved, Spirit Filled Actors by: L.A. Holts

Being a saved, Spirit Filled minister of the arts takes maturity, a sold out life of Holiness, great wisdom in knowing that we have been called to this area of the Kingdom of God and most importantly, doing all things for God's glory and unto our King, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. When we get ready to minister through the art of acting, I admonish you to remember that these characters require us to pray the mantles on and off as we rehearse and minister as the productions are up. Below are key points and explanations as to why praying your characters' mantles on and off are so important. I pray that this teaching blesses you and you implement this wisdom into your routines as you minister on stage and film alike as a born again believer.

1. By praying mantles on and off, it is spiritually safe for the minister to be used by God without the soul and the characters fusing to ones own personality. (This may seem a bit extreme to those whom may not be spiritual, which is why I've addressed the saved actor in this particular blog.) Have you ever wondered why there are so many divorces in Hollywood? Because often times mantles or characters connect with other characters and not the real person outside of that character. And when those mantles fall off because they are no longer needed, the two people involved realize that they don't know each other at all.

2. By praying mantles on and off, you have yielded to the Holy Spirit. Therefore, not relying on self and talent alone, but the anointing which destroys the yokes of bondage.

3. By praying mantles on and off and yielding to the Holy Spirit, the production goes from mere entertainment to ministry, from a conversation on the way home in the family car, to an unforgettable, life changing event. Have you ever gone to a "gospel play" only to forget about it hours or days after you've seen it? That's what you call entertainment.


enter= you enter into a pretend world.

con-tainment= and are conned into mental and stimulating containment for that moment. Its entertaining mind deception.

4. By praying mantles on and off, actors or ministers are not carrying home negative attributes or attracting the spirits that often accompany those demonic character traits.

ex: You may be portraying an abusive character. Or a cheater but are married. You may be portraying a murderer. You may be portraying a homosexual. You may be portraying someone whom is depressed. Or Suicidal. (These are heavy characters that you don't want to bring into your real life.)

5. Praying mantles on and off prevents mental issues like depression, schizophrenia, etc. (Ex: why does it seem like the comedians of Hollywood are always the ones to commit suicide? Chris Farley, Robin Williams, etc. because they had too many characters in their heads, or spirit, and they all got jumbled up until they could no longer be at peace in their minds.) Remember the rant Robin Williams would do with all the voices in his head speaking at once; that everyone loved so much? That attracted demonic spirits into his soul. And without the covering of the blood of Jesus, he finally succumbed to them.

6. By praying mantles on and off, you give no place to the spirit of pride. We must stay focused on God and His grace that has allowed us to minister in such unique ways. Often times when we have been afforded the opportunity to minister to an audience, the enemy will almost always come in through the door of pride. This is especially easy when so many people are singing the praises of those whom have performed. Always stay humble by recognizing it is in Him that we move breath and have our being. It is God that has given us our natural gifts. They must be offered back unto Him for the service of expanding His kingdom!

7. By praying mantles on and off, you are able to discover little nuances about the characters you are portraying that you would have missed do to lack of experience or knowledge. Remember the Holy Spirit has always been here, so He knows what layers a character may need to give it that believable depth to push the audience over.

8. By praying mantles on and off you give The Holy Spirit room for the prophetic anointing to flow, even with the lines the writer has given you, to reach those people watching whom can identify with your character.

*When cast for a role, make sure that it is edifying and uncompromising according to your own conviction of what your walk with the Lord is. When taking on roles, do not allow anyone to entice you in grieving the Holy Spirit. All things lawful are not expedient. Meaning just because you "fit" the role, and you get a big check, and its going to "get your foot in the door", doesn't mean its of God. This is how the enemy tarnishes your witness and dilutes the power within you by tainting you with the kingdom of darkness. When you have truly given your gift over to God, He will never put you in a position of compromise. So before you take on a role ask yourself this question:

Does this script bring glory to God and growth to His Kingdom?

If the answer is yes, there should be no profanity, lewdness, nudity, or advertisement of the kingdom of darkness.

And finally, when you want to pray on and off the mantle of your character, repeat this prayer:

"Father God in Jesus name, I decrease so that you may get the increase as I minster through the performing arts on today. I ask you Holy Spirit to work through me as I yield to you and you alone. I pray on the mantle of my character and cover myself with the blood of Jesus. I ask the angels of the Lord to assist me in my assignment to expose the enemy and colonize the Kingdom of God. I loose the heavenly host to pull down all demonic activity in this region as we go forth in ministries on today. Anoint me now in Jesus name.

And after your are done ministering:

"Father God I thank you for using me today. I give you all the glory and honor and praise. Holy spirit I release this mantle of my character now. I cover myself with the blood of Jesus, my family and loved ones (So any spirits that can't attach to you, don't attack your family members or loved ones. The devil doesn't fight fair and you have just ministered just as a preacher would preach on the pulpit. So retaliatory spirits are usually sent out but we are covered and safe because of the blood of Jesus!). I bind up any and all retaliatory demons in Jesus name. I pray that all have received the message this mantle was send out to give. Now I pray that salvation come to all those whom witnessed this production in Jesus name.

May God bless you as you go forth in your earthly assignment to minister through the performing arts!

Pastor L.A.

This teaching & much more will be featured in the Theater Deliverance class at the 4 Beautiful Women Kingdom Conference, taught by me. Coming Soon!!!

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