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I Need You

Like the tablets of my heart I read you And I was drawn by your goodness cause the reputation of your love proceeds you I can only pray that my flesh has died everyday and my life is lived to please you And I'm overjoyed cause no one can take your love away, if they could, I'd beg and plead you And I humbly welcome the sword of your word to cut away all that's not like you in me so I bleed you And btw thanks for removing the scales of sin from my eyes so that I could finally see you And if I haven't said it on this side of the planet my soul says it's nice to finally meet you Your presence smells so pleasant like perfume And if I could fill the whole world with your praises I'd still have much room If I thanked you until I moved home to heaven without taking a breath I'd still feel doomed Cause no amount of worship or praise from these lips could articulate your living water Like monsoon So I opt to drown in your grace and come up for air but only when I have to

I need you

Father, I need you like the galaxies need space Like wishes need shooting stars and candles need birthday cakes I need you like high pitched giggles need little girls and angels need permission Like armies need armed soldiers And chefs need kitchens I need you like breath needs oxygen And all women who are mothers need a child I need you like brains need thoughts And jungles need wild I need you to talk to me Make my purpose bright I need you like thinned out edges need hair and boxers need to fight I can't say it enough or no matter how many ways God I need you in my life I need you to reassure me in the night Visit my dreams when my sleep takes fight Kiss me by the Son when my flesh ain't right Help me to forgive when my soul has gripes Change my heart with all of your might Make me like you until the end of time I need you to walk with me when I'm hurt and out of my mind Be my great idea when I'm on my grind I need you omnipresent in my life So if I make a mistake it's already covered in the ripples of past time So I can dip my foot in destiny in this forever last time Never take your spirit from me This is a prayer for all of man kind So I stand in the gap no turning back Cause Christ has mine

We need you

L.A. Holts

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