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Word of the Lord

I heard the Spirit of the Lord say this is the hour where I am going to release strategy to my people concerning politics. I hear the Lord saying stealth mode. In this hour, my people have grown weary and have began to move out of emotion and anger instead of being led by my Spirit in my timing. I am about to make it clear to you what is of me and what is not. Many of you will have to retract statements and repent. Many of you have been walking in a place of disobedience and untruth. It is time to get back in your place says God. I set the path in which your feet should walk upon, not Man nor his opinions. I will make this clear once and for all, if it does not come from a place of love, it is NOT of ME says the Lord. For I am LOVE. In the last days many will be deceived and fall away from the faith, seduced by lying tongues. Don't be among those who refuse to walk in courage and in truth.

Christ died and rose for ALL of mankind, not just the rich. The Kingdom is inclusive. If it's not lining up with His word, you are being deceived.

Father, thank you for releasing strategies throughout the land for your people in Jesus name! Those that are willing to hear and obey in this hour. Thank you Holy Spirit for guiding your people into all truth concerning the political leaders of this country. And for making every crooked place straight in Jesus name! amen.

Prophet L.A. Holts

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