The Spirit of Lasciviousness (This weeks' Kingdom teaching) by: Pastor L.A.
The Spirit of Lasciviousness
Galatians 5:19-21 “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21Envyings, murders, drunkenness, raveling’s, and such like: of the which I tell you, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”
"Lasciviousness" or "lewdness."
The Greek word for “Lasciviousness” is “Asalgeia.” According to Thayer's Dictionary, the term "Asalgeia" means, "Unbridled lust, excess, licentiousness, lasciviousness, wantonness, outrageousness, shamelessness, insolence, wanton (acts or) manners, as filthy words, indecent bodily movements, unchaste handling of males and females, etc."
Vine’s Dictionary tells us that "Aselgeia" denotes, "Excess, licentiousness, absence of restraint,
indecency, wantonness."
The Revel Bible Dictionary defines "lasciviousness" as "wanton, licentious.... It means unrestrained greed, or an "animal-like" indulgence in any passionate desire.
Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary defines "Lasciviousness" as the "KJV word for licentiousness. In turn, it defines "Licentiousness" as "undisciplined and unrestrained behavior, especially a flagrant disregard of sexual restraints. The Greek word translated as licentiousness means "outrageous conduct," showing that licentious behavior goes beyond sin to include a disregard for what is right."
In the spiritual sense of the word, it means, bringing ungodly attentions to ones’ self and away from God. Elevating oneself above the witness of God.
Growing up in a religious sector the term “Jezebel” was thrown around when speaking of a woman who may have worn too much make-up or the color red. While this was comical and considered way overboard, it holds some truth. In an effort to not be associated with the religion of our past, often time one denounces one spirit only to pick up another one. In efforts of displaying freedom in God and a sense of independence from the old ways, many church women have thrown caution to the wind and have embraced unknowingly a spirit of lasciviousness. Does God care if women wear pants? No, however if the pants in which women are wearing are causing the men of God to be tempted and led astray, then by all means go back to skirts and dresses.
Don’t let your freedom be stumbling block for someone else. You may not be bothered but there are those whom are weaker in the faith that don’t need to be distracted by Bertha Big Butt, who likes to jump up and “Praise the Lord” with her painted on jeans.
In our walk as Kingdom Citizens, we must think of others before ourselves and be considerate of others. If my brother has just been released from prison after 5 years and wants to live right, watching sister so and so with short skirts and boobs all out isn’t helping his cause. Maybe you didn’t know this is what you were doing. So allow me to help you in this area.
Before you leave the house ask yourself, will what I am wearing cause someone to fall or lust after me? And the second question should be, why do I want this type of attention? If you want this type of attention, a spirit of lasciviousness has reared its ugly head. We live in the freedom of God yes but don’t ignore the Holy Spirit when you get that quiet nudge to change your clothes or maybe put on a longer shirt.
Men are visual. And yes, even if you are shapely you should still be mindful of your brothers in Christ. Why is it the woman’s responsibility? Because we have been called to be the helpmates of the brethren. And although this term is used for married couples, the anointing to help is still there. We as women can do our part to make sure we aren’t adding to what he may be struggling with.
I Peter 2:16 As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.
Now for married women, I truly believe your husband should be your covering and make sure you are safe and he is represented well when you go out of the home. A man of God will want his queen to make him look good, after all, you are a reflection of him, and ungodly attention because she is exposed also speaks volumes. Now if your husband isn’t saved yet, follow the guide lines of our constitution which is the Holy Bible and listen to the Holy Spirit. He will tell you, you just have to be open to obey and trust that He has your best interest.
As for single women who are trying to “catch” a husband, dressing in an ungodly way
would be the absolutely wrong thing to do. Romans 12:1 says I beseech you by the mercies of God that ye present your body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God. To present something means what is being displayed. I recommend studying Ruth and how God blessed her and she didn’t have to parade around half naked for the blessing of her husband.
Typically the spirit of lasciviousness is paired with rebellion because often when someone in authority suggest that you cover up, something rises up inside of you to combat the correction and you become offended by whomever has given the instruction. This is a clear sign that some deliverance is needed in this area. God loves us and has set people in our lives that we should be accountable to in our walk with the Lord. Being able to take correction and go to God with a repentant heart shows maturity in God and a desire to please Him. Remember dressing lasciviously takes the attention off of God and brings attention to you. God shares His glory with no man and although you may look good, there is a time and a place and workout clothes in the house of God are not appropriate.
Dressing appropriately shouldn’t be confused with great fashion. You don’t have to look like a beggar or someone whom is misplaced in order to dress appropriately. Matthew 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Allow the man of God to know you by the spirit and not the flesh. If you start a relationship in the flesh, often times it won’t last.
The spirit of lasciviousness is an open door for predators to zero in on you. What do I mean? A man who has wrong intentions will think if this woman dresses and reveals what should be secret, she maybe more apt to do other things she should not do. Remember we fight not against flesh and blood and the enemy uses tactics to entrap the people of God by finding open doors in our lives to walk through.
If you would like to be made free from this spirit and be delivered the first thing you must do is repent of your sins and be saved, God is faithful to forgive. Repeat this prayer of salvation out loud:
I ask that you forgive me of my sins. I believe that you have died on the cross and have rose again on the third day, Jesus I invite you into my heart as my personal savior. Thank you for saving me, There is a new name written in glory and its mine. (Praise God if you said this prayer and you weren’t saved, you are now in the Kingdom of God. Welcome!)
After you repent say this prayer aloud:
Father God, please forgive me for allowing a door to be opened in my life. I live to please you. I, by my own will, renounce any and all spirits of lasciviousness and any ungodly spirits that have been in operation in my life. I dispatch the heavenly host on my behalf in Jesus name! I ask you to make me whole in you God in Jesus name. I ask that you fill every void in my heart. I ask that the Holy Spirit be my guide and I not lean to my own understanding. I thank you that I will see myself as you see me and will exercise patience while I wait in Jesus name. Amen
Praise God! There is freedom in the Kingdom of God and God wants us to live stress free and in peace. We as citizens of the Kingdom of God live heavens culture while here on earth. And being free from demonic influences is our birthright! Remember, just talk to God, He is your friend and gets great pleasure when we want to grow and renew our minds to the mind of Christ. Read your word and pray daily. Enjoy your life and remember this teaching is out of love for Gods’ people and obedience to the mandate on my life. This message was also not to bring condemnation upon anyone. And if you are a woman and you don’t have anything else to wear, that is a different story. By all means, don’t feel like you can’t attend church. I’m speaking to women who are seasoned and have attended church for some time now. Sisters in the Lord, if you see a woman whom you know needs to be blessed, allow God to use you and bless her with a few outfits. This will display the love of God and be a great witness. We represent the Kingdom of God in all we do, now let us continue glorify God, even in our dress. God bless and I pray this message has blessed someone today.
Pastor L.A.