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The Secret That's Hidden In Full View by: Pastor L.A.

Good day Kingdom Citizens! The reason the enemy doesn't want you to get an understanding of the Kingdom of God and wants you to remain religious is because when you tap into heavens culture while here on earth, you literally become a Super Natural Hero or as the world would say Super Hero.

The devils favorite type of people are church folks with no power. Why? Because the image of a powerless believer helps to spread the lie that people don't need to be saved because nothing... changes. And also it paints a picture of God having no power which in turn deters people from wanting to be saved. Nothing changes because religion is a demonic spirit that works against the Kingdom of God just like everything else that is sent from hell. Going to church has absolutely NOTHING to do with your salvation! Having a relationship with God and obeying His word and instructions is what makes you a Kingdom Citizen. As a result of being of the faith we gather together and fellowship with other believers. So as believers, we have direct access to God and all of the promises He has given unto us as His children. We have access to His power. We have access to the Holy Spirit, we have access to His gifts and ideas. We are able to decree and declare and what we speak is honored by God. We have the ability to rule this earth with our Kingdom Authority. We are able to cast out devils. We have the power to command and dispatch angels on out behalf. We have the power to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Raise the dead! We have the power to shift and have dominion over our circumstances. We have a right to peace and joy. We have the grace to mend broken hearts. The power to get wealth. And live in a totally different system than the worlds systems.

This is the Kingdom of God and how dangerous would believers be if they knew the power of God that dwelled within them? This is what the devils wants to keep from us. He uses religion, infighting, and sin to keep Gods' chosen people from being qualified for Kingdom Living and from walking in Kingdom authority. What disqualifies us from the perks of the Kingdom of God? Unholy living. This knocks you way down from being a Kingdom Citizen and ruler to being religious with no power. Living in the Kingdom of God is our birthright and as we spend time with God and become new creatures and listen to God and are obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and His word, we walk on earth as Super Hero's and sin, sin is Kryptonite. The more you are exposed to sin, the weaker and less powerful you become, until the sin you refuse to turn away from, becomes your demise.

Scripture references for above message:

1 John 2:4-6 Matthew 10:6-7 Matthew 24:14 Luke 10:19-20

I pray this message has encouraged someone today.

Pastor L.A.

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