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Green Haired Boys Need Gods' Love Too! by: Pastor L.A.

When the sun gentle passed across my face to wake me this morning, I smiled and said good morning to my best friend, the Holy Spirit. I felt so loved and warm as I peered through my groggy, drowsy eyes. I looked up, as I do every morning and waited. I wait until I'm fully conscience and then peek through the curtains into the Pacifica sky. It's beautiful. The kind of beautiful that lets you know God is there. So I linger in my bed and take in its freshness. Life is good and I am already blessed. Before I go every day, I ask God to dispatch His angels and order my steps. I pray that He will guide me to whomever He wants me to share His love with for the day. And each day, He does just that.

Yesterday as I stood in line to purchase a much anticipated smoothie, my card wouldn't work. Urgg, so aggravating. With the little cash that I had, do I buy the breakfast sandwich, or smoothie? Sandwich it is. As I calmly called my bank, I'm informed that my card was compromised and they have sent out a new one. The problem with that is I am in California, not Il., so I'll never get that card. I conceded and made plans to visit my bank tomorrow afternoon. As I fussed to my sister about the bank blocking my perfectly good card, it never dawned on me that my steps were being ordered even then.

I dropped off my sister and to the bank I went, riding in the car while blasting “You Thought I was Worth Saving!!!” I finished up my business and was pleasantly surprised about the quick customer service and great attitudes and eagerness to help me. I walked out of the bank after great conversation with my banker Jerry and saw a green haired teenager, about 17, 18 years old, sitting on the edge of the walkways’ raised path. I was about to walk to my car when the Holy Spirit so gently told me to go talk to him. So I did.

“I like your green highlights!” I complemented.

He grabbed his chest in surprise and smiled, “Thank you!” he said.

“I thought you looked like an artist and wanted to say hello,” I said.

“I am an artist!” he said as we high fived.

I felt good inside because I knew that he was already encouraged.

“You know, I do performing arts ministry. May I give you my card?”

“Of course!” he said.

“I want you to know that God loves you and I wanted to tell you that. It’s not about religion, all are welcomed into the Kingdom of God.”

He teared up, jumped up, and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and told him, “I love you”. He said it back. I then told him to check out the website and feel free to ask questions and comment. He said he would. And just like that I was off to my car. I got in the drivers’ seat and said a prayer, giving God all of the glory and then I drove off.

The lesson for Kingdom Citizens here is to remember your assignment and purpose while here on earth. Don’t allow the enemy to distract you by using division to push his agenda. The word of God says who so ever will, let them come. If I wasn’t sensitive to the Holy Spirit, I would have missed an opportunity to show the love of God to a green haired teenage boy, because he didn’t look like me. God is not a respecter of persons. With Love and Kindness shall I draw all men unto me… Stay focused on God and His Kingdom. Ask yourself, have I missed the opportunity to love on someone because of the color of their skin? If the answer is yes, well then, that makes you no better than the other guys. God bless you and I pray this message has encouraged someone today.

Pastor L.A.

Scripture references for above:

Revelation 22:17New International Version (NIV)

17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

Jeremiah 31:3New International Version (NIV)

3 The Lord appeared to us in the past,[a] saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love;

I have drawn you with unfailing kindness

Acts 10:34 Acts 10:34New International Version (NIV)

34 Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism

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