Can the Marriage Bed Be Defiled?
"Porneia (fornication) gives legal right to demonic spirits. This is clearly evidenced when demons of oral sex are challenged and cast out. These unclean spirits sometimes betray their presence by the way they manifest. The manifestations of oral sex demons are repulsive as they display themselves through licking and sucking displays. Further, the presence of oral sex demons is often discerned by a distinctive, offensive, fetid breath. Once one has encountered such manifestations there can remain no doubt as to the demonic nature of these perverted sexual practices. The oral sex spirit is manifestly “a different spirit” 2 Cor. 11: 4; a spirit that is incompatible with the Holy Spirit. Paul warns not only the Corinthians but also the Galatians and others [Gal. 5: 19; Eph. 5: 3; 1 Thess. 4: 3] against porneia because it affects both the church and the whole person."
"Strictly defined, oral and anal sex practiced between those of the opposite sex (including husband and wife) is a form of sodomy, a practice that God unequivocally condemns. Thus, the marriage bed becomes defiled and subject to God’s certain judgment, “For fornicators... God will judge.” He will pass sentence upon and condemn adulterers and fornicators. Oral and anal sex is unnatural; it is against nature. Vaginal intercourse is THE natural God-ordained way to practice sex between husband and wife. God disapproves of unnatural sexual practices:
“God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, that their bodies might be dishonored among them... God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way the men abandoned the natural function of woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.” Romans 1: 24,26,27
(Excerpt from Hammond, Frank. The Marriage Bed: Can It Be Defiled? (Kindle Location 90). Impact Christian Books. Kindle Edition.)
Praise the Lord! This post is for the Sons of God, Kingdom Citizens, Believers that want to walk Holy and Pure before our Father without compromise. With understanding. How many know that we must invest in our walk with Jesus Christ our Savior? Salvation is free, but none of us have been called to be pew warmers. We all have very unique gifts unto God the Father. We all have a place of influence as we yield to Holy Spirit to win souls for His Kingdom. In saying all of the above, I am challenging ALL of you whom want to get married one day, are married or are ministers to get this book and read it, "The Marriage Bed. Can the Married Bed Be Defiled?" by Frank Hammond. Why? Because there is a serious lack of the demonstration of the Power of God in the church and a lot of it is because those professing Christ have allowed the world the creep into their homes and even marriage beds.
When studying the word of God, we must go to the original text of Greek and Hebrew because there may be some misinterpretations going on. I don't want to give away too much of the book but to peek your interest, I'll say this... there are certain types of sex and behaviors, within a marriage, that are not Holy and God is not pleased with them. When you perform these acts, even in marriage, you open the door or "portals" to the demonic realm to have legal access into your home. Demons such as homosexual spirits and lesbian spirits are at the forefront of these perverse behaviors. Could this be why there are sooooo many DL men in the church? (In the book, there is scripture to back up these revelations given to the author.)
Get delivered from sexual perversion before you get married. Get this book guys. It's better to know and be obedient before you start dating and before you get married. (Singles should NOT be having sex of any kind according to the word of God.) But if you are married, you still have an opportunity to repent and start new. This book will dispell the myth that "anything goes" in the bedroom of married man and woman of God. This is not true and this could be why marriages aren't working, there is so much cheating, divorce, lust demons running up and through the home, blessings are hindered, there is no manifestation of God's anointing, there is no real growth in your life, businesses aren't working, no true Kingdom Authority, demons aren't being cast out at your hands (satan can't cast out satan) there is sickness in your body, hindered prayers, no church growth; etc.
Get this book. We do err for not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God (Matt 22:29). The greatest weapon the enemy uses against Believers is our ignorance when the word says DON'T be ignorant to the enemy's devices (2 Cor. 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.) How can we NOT be ignorant? By studying the word of God and rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.) By reading books written by spirit filled men and women of God whom have gotten revelation and mysteries from heaven to help the spiritual growth of the Sons of God. For we all know in part. (1 Corinthians 13:9 King James Version (KJV) 9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.) It's time to wake up church and realize the devil hates us and isn't afraid of the church of God because of refusal to let go of the world and carnal living.
If this has been an area of sin in your marriage or your life and you want to be made free and whole, repeat this prayer, and as you walk upright before God the Father, watch the miracles, signs and wonders show up in your life, watch the transformation of your finances prosper, watch healing take place in your body, watch oppression and depression lift, watch the love grow between you and your spouse, watch the word of God become more clear, watch the anointing become greater, watch your children begin to line up with God's purpose in their lives, watch the arguing stop in your marriage and agreement flourish, watch your business grow, watch your church attendance grow, what the power of God fall in greater measure, and watch your Kingdom Authority be established and demons tremble in your presence by the power of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!
Repeat this prayer out loud with your spouse or by yourself. (Both spouses however should say this prayer of repentance.)
Father God, I(we) repent for knowingly and unknowingly allowing carnality and perverse sexual acts to enter my(our) marriage bed. I(we) am(are) sorry for defiling what you have commanded to be undefiled and Holy in your sight. I(we) renounce all sexual activities that are not pleasing to you Father. All acts of unnatural sex, watching porn, masturbation, sex toys, and allowing others into my(our) marriage bed for fleshly pleasures of lust. I ask Holy Spirit to renew my(our) mind(s) that I(we) will allow our coming together to be a spiritual act and a form of worship unto you. Wash me(us) in your blood Jesus and allow your Dunamis Power to fill every void in my(our) soul(s). I(we) release all soul clutter and step into my(our) true authority in the Kingdom of God. I(we) ask that you heal every and all soul wounds caused by this sin. I(we) thank you for repairing this marriage and showing us how to love each other with an Agape love. I(we) thank you for restoring everything that the enemy rightfully had access to during my(our) time of ignorance and disobedience. I, the head of the household, shall love my wife as Christ loves the church. I(we) shut all doors and portals of the demonic realm and seal our marriage with the blood of Jesus Christ. As for me and my house, I(we) shall serve the Lord. Thank you for your grace Father God, in Jesus mighty name, amen.
Pastor L.A.
Romans 12:2 Do not conform to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. That you may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
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