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When Will Black Lives Really Matter?

Exodus 12:23-24

Exodus 12:23-24 King James Version (KJV)23 For the Lord will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the Lord will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.24 And ye shall observe this thing for an ordinance to thee and to thy sons for ever.

In order for The Father to implement justice for those whom have been enslaved and held hostage in a system that The Father didn't create for them, they must look and live differently than the ones holding them captive. There is Power in the Blood of Jesus! In order to walk in the authority of the Kingdom of God, you must be in right standing to activate your rights. Applying The Blood over your household is a right given to Kingdom Citizens. When The Blood is not applied, The Destroyer has a legal right to enter in. And if you read the next verse, it says "and you shall observe this thing as an ordinance for you and for "your sons" forever. Exodus 12:24

The word ordinance is a legal term. It's a Kingdom decree saying that you and your sons will observe The Destroyer pass over as long as the Blood is over the door post. Or the entryway. Our hearts are the entryway for inviting the Lord in. Once saved, we are covered by The Blood. The lintel represents the covering or head of house hold. When you have the men apply The Blood from the top and on each side, all are covered and The Destroyer cannot gain legal access.

This is why the enemy has deceived the "coverings" of household to be absent and missing. To live as heathens and not as commanded by our Father. To have babies outside of the Blood covenant of marriage... All this is a set up because satan knows in order to attack a people, he has to have a legal right.

When men turn their hearts back to the Father, repent of their wicked ways, and return to the original design for marriage and family, the violence will cease.

We are fighting a spiritual war. But how can one fight when they aren't enrolled on the side that can save them? Enrollment into the Kingdom of God is asking the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, into your heart as your personal Savior. Believing that He died on the cross for your sins and rose again on the 3rd day. Turning away from your sin life and living Holy before The Father.

Black men, its time to get back to your first love... Father God. Its time for you to return to a posture of prayer, and reverence unto The Father. It's time for you to repent and get back to your place. It's like you are running around lost, so along the journey you do everything to satisfy your flesh, but its not filling the void. Only our Heavenly Father can fill the void in your soul. So if you really want to begin to see change in the system. If you really want to feel like you are respected and acknowledged... you must be under the shadow of the Almighty God. There is safety there. Love there, power there, dominion there, equality there, blessings there, joy there, peace there, healing there, and no fear! When will black lives really matter??? When the state of your sin sick souls, become a priority. When its all said and done, the Spirit of the Destroyer has gained legal access and you have the power to shut every door. Step into your position.

Prophetess L.A.

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