How's Your Authority Looking
So I'm sitting here watching one of my favorite things, military documentaries, and I hear the Lord ask me whats the difference between street gangs and the military? They both are highly organized defenders who are willing to die for their cause, die for each other, considered to be family, and are both self sustaining within their groups. So I'm like, that's true when you compare, on paper, the military and street gangs look almost identical. They both fight and kill to protect their own, both recruit, both have life long association, etc. Then the Lord says, there's one major difference, one operates out of false authority and one operates out of true authority.
One was sent by a higher authority to benefit the entire nation while the other operates for self.
Just as the church today. There are many churches operating under a false authority today. They look like churches and sound like churches but the leaders were never sent by God, or the higher authority. Without the permission to operate on a mission, there is no authority. And just like gangs, you have people dying prematurely, people who are locked up and stay bond, are operating from a place of fear and not love, etc. Where there is true authority, there is movement that advances the kingdom of God. False authority is self serving.
Are you part of a community that has true authority or false authority? How can you tell? First, strip away all of the religion, all of the hoopin' and hollering, theatrics and fan fair and ask yourself these questions... is the power of God in operation? Are lives being changed? Are people being healed? Has your life enhanced once you leave service and have gone home? Has your mind been renewed from the teachings? Has your walk with God and relationship shifted? Does your house benefit the kingdom of God, meaning everyone, or just those that belong to that house? Remember the Kingdom of God is inclusive.
There is a war out here, make sure you're with those with true authority, because those who move in false authority, don't play by the rules anyway. True authority lives by example. False authority will tell you one thing and live the complete opposite. True authority moves on behalf of the whole, false authority moves on behalf of self.
Scribal Prophet L.A. Holts
Matthew 10:1 Verse Concepts Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.
Mark 6:7 Verse Concepts And He summoned the twelve and began to send them out in pairs, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits;
Luke 10:19 Verse Concepts "Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.
Mark 6:13 Verse Concepts And they were casting out many demons and were anointing with oil many sick people and healing them.