Say No to Suicide!
So many depressed and oppressed people in the world have turned to suicide as the answer and solution because they feel hopeless. I know...
Let Him Lift You
Words of Wisdom and encouragement for the Broken Vessel Raise -lift or move to a higher position or level. Lift- to move (something or...
Dr. Apostle Clifford E. Turner Tribute
I am writing as a recorder today. I am writing as a daughter. I am writing as a student. I am writing... today, one of the greatest...
Teach the Kingdom Like Jesus Told Us To
Kingdom message!!!! Kingdom messages need to be taught and preached to the people. This is why so many Believers don't know their...
When Will Black Lives Really Matter?
Exodus 12:23-24 Exodus 12:23-24 King James Version (KJV)23 For the Lord will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the...
Ignoring the Enemy Doesn't Make Him Go Away. by Pastor L.A.
The greatest trick of the enemy is to convince mankind that he doesn't exist. How can you fight something that you don't believe is...
Praying Your Characters' Mantle on & off for Saved, Spirit Filled Actors by: L.A. Holts
Being a saved, Spirit Filled minister of the arts takes maturity, a sold out life of Holiness, great wisdom in knowing that we have been...
I'm Addicted
I am Addicted... I am addicted to noise Every television, Dvr and Sonos music player must be blasting at all times I am addicted to noise...
Green Haired Boys Need Gods' Love Too! by: Pastor L.A.
When the sun gentle passed across my face to wake me this morning, I smiled and said good morning to my best friend, the Holy Spirit. I...